Rate Plan

Learn how to create, edit and search Rate plan

Rate Plan is a tool designed to calculate fees that need to be deducted from the Legal Entity by the Acquirer for providing processing services.

The function POST/v1/api/rateplan/{ancestorID} allows the requester to create a Rate Plan by submitted a list of fees and their respective values. The requester is provided with a pool of available fees to choose from; however, when creating a Rate Plan, only actual fees that are needed for calculation must be transmitted in the request. This provides flexibility and allows individual approaches when compiling business propositions.

The acquirer is the owner and manager of a rate plan.

If multiple Legal Entities and/or Merchant locations have coinciding fees, it is possible to apply the same Rate plan.

For the Rate Plan to be valid, all regions, card brands, types, and transaction currencies need to be defined in full. For example, if defining the Domestic region, then the Local, European and International regions must be defined as well.

The request PATCH/v1/api/rateplan/{rateplanID} enables the update of an existing Rate Plan/-s by submitting new values or adding additional fees. Fees cannot be deleted from a Rate Plan. If at some point a certain fee becomes irrelevant, it should be changed to the new value “0”.

The request GET/v1/api/rateplan retrieves the contents of an existing Rate Plan by submitting any of the following filter parameters: Rate Plan ID, Legal Entity registration number and Merchant ID. If a Legal Entity or Merchant has no Rate Plan applied to them at the moment of the request, no information will be provided with the appropriate response code and message.

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  • Create a Rate Plan
  • Edit a Rate Plan
  • Search for a Rate Plan