POS data codes (Point Code)

PositionDescriptionPossible values
1Card data input capability.0 - Unknown (not suggested)
1 - Manual; no terminal (not applicable for POS)
2 - Magnetic stripe read (no smart card read capability)
3 - Bar code read (not suggested)
4 - Optical character reader (OCR) coding read (not suggested)
5 - Smart card read (with or without magnetic stripe read capability)
6 - Key entry-only (no smart card read capability, no magnetic stripe read capability)
A - Contactless magnetic stripe read
M - Contactless smart card read
2Cardholder authentication capability0 - No electronic authentication (signature based transactions or no authentication at all)
1 - PIN verification possible (off-line and/or on-line)
5 - Electronic authentication   inoperative (i.e. PIN pad damaged)
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
3Card capture capability0 - No capture
1 - Card capture 
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
4Operating environment0 - No terminal used (not applicable for POS)
1 - On card acceptor premises; attended terminal
2 - On card acceptor premises; unattended terminal
3 - Off card acceptor premises; attended
4 - Off card acceptor premises; unattended
5 - On cardholder premises; unattended
6 - Off cardholder premises; unattende d
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
M - Mobile acceptance solution-mPOS
R - CAT level 7, transponder-initiated
S - CAT level 1, unattended
T - CAT level 2, unattended
U - CAT level 3, unattended
V - CAT level 4, unattended
W - Electronic delivery of product (AmEx only)
Z - Transit Access Terminal (TAT)
5Cardholder present0 - Cardholder present
1 - Cardholder not present (unspecified)
2 - Cardholder not present; mail order
3 - Cardholder not present; telephone
4 - Cardholder not present; standing authorization
5 - Cardholder not present (electronic order [PC, Internet, mobile phone])
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
6Card present0 - Card not present
1 - Card present
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
7Card data input mode0 - Unspecified (not suggested)
1 - Manual, no terminal (not applicable for POS)
2 - Incomplete magnetic stripe read
3 - Bar code read (not suggested)
4 - OCR coding read (not suggested)
5 - Smart card read
6 - Key entered 
8 - Magnetic stripe read in fallback to smart card read
9 - Full magnetic stripe read
A - Contactless magnetic-stripe read
J - Credential on file
M - Contactless smart card read
N - PayPass mapping service
R - PAN entry via electronic commerce, including remote chip
S - Electronic commerce, SET without cardholder certificate ("merchant SET")
T - Electronic commerce, SET with cardholder certificate ("full SET")
U - Electronic commerce, no security
V - Electronic commerce, channel encryption (e.g. SSL)
W - PAN Auto Entry via Server
8Cardholder authentication method0 - Not authenticated
1 - PIN verified on-line or off-line
5 - Manual signature verification
6 - Other manual verification (e.g. driver’s license photo and signature comparison)
7 - CD CVM
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
T - Tokenization Request
9Cardholder authentication entity0 - Not authenticated
1 - Smart card (off-line PIN verification using smart card data)
3 - Authorizing agent—Online PIN verification
4 - By merchant (signature verification or comparison)
5 - Other (e.g. non-smart card off-line PIN verification)
9 - Unknown (not suggested)
S - Merchant-attempted-authentication electronic commerce
T - Authenticated electronic commerce
V - Non-authenticated electronic commerce
10Card data output capability0 - Unknown (not suggested)
1 - None
2 - Magnetic stripe write
3 - Smart card write
11Terminal output capability0 - Unknown (not suggested)
1 - None
2 - Printing 
3 - Display 
4 - Printing and display 
12PIN capture capability0 - No PIN capture capability
1 - Unknown (not suggested)
4 - PIN capture capability 4 characters maximum
5 - PIN capture capability 5 characters maximum
6 - PIN capture capability 6 characters maximum
7 - PIN capture capability 7 characters maximum
8 - PIN capture capability 8 characters maximum
9 - PIN capture capability 9 characters maximum
A - PIN capture capability 10 characters maximum
B - PIN capture capability 11 characters maximum
C - PIN capture capability 12 characters maximum