Card Lifecycle

Learn more about the card lifecycle

There are many steps that have to be taken by DECTA and you, starting from the moment a cardholder decides to request a card until the first successful payment.

Card lifecycle for TPP customers

While creating a card order for a customer, the partner should define the product and card design code, currency and cardholder personal data. After the card order is processed, you will be able to manage the whole lifecycle of your issued cards through DECTA API.

Card lifecycle for White Label customers

AML checks are available only for White Label customers

While creating a card order for a customer, the partner should define the product and card design code, currency and cardholder personal data, including documents if identification and AML checks take place on the DECTA side. After the card order is processed, you will be able to manage the whole lifecycle of your issued cards through DECTA API.

Card lifecycle with card status and explanation


Card Status

Status Meaning

Physical card has been requested


The card has been successfully requested & processed. The card is inactive, should be activated by the cardholder once received.

Virtual card has been created


The card is active and can be used for new authorisations.
Note: All Virtual Cards are immediately ACTIVE

Physical card has been activated


The card is active and can be used for new authorisations.

Card has been blocked


If a cardholder wants to temporarily block the card to prevent any new authorisations against that card, the cardholder can block it. Should use state:BLOCKED_BY_HOLDER

Card has been unblocked


When the card is unblocked, it can be used for new authorisations again

Card has been blocked by issuer


The card has been temporarily restricted from making any new authorisations following a decision from the issuer e.g. in the event of suspicious card activity. Should use state: BLOCKED_BY_PARTNER

Card has been closed


The card has been closed forever. This is a final card status and can’t be reversed. Should use state: BLOCKED_PERMANENTLY or BLOCKED_TERMINATED or BLOCKED_NOT_RECEIVED

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  • Card lifecycle with card status and explanation