
It is important to be informed about each card transaction and have access to card information at any time, so we provide our customers with several ways to communicate with their clients on any device. A notification is a message that is sent to a cardholder’s device to provide them with card status changes, communication about transactions, or other timely information from the partner or DECTA.

Supported notification events for issuers:

Notification type


Card type Notification method
Virtual Plastic SMS Push
Remind card details    
Card Authorisation
Token OTP
Token Provisioning
Remind PIN  

Set-up of the notifications

Set-up of the notification type and events is done on DECTA side in accordance with service agreement and customer’s requirements during the customer project integration or upon customer’s request.

Push notification

Push notification is a webhook which are delivered to customer’s designated URLs in JSON format. As soon as a new event has happened, webhook is triggered and sent to the customer’s URL.

In order to benefit from this service and convert webhooks into push notifications to be sent to cardholder’s mobile devices the customer should implement web services in its infrastructure. If this web service uses basic authentication, the credentials should be provided to DECTA for configuration. The web service should be ready to receive HTTP POST calls with a payload in JSON format. Each call represents a separate event message received. If the partner is not available or receives an HTTP error, then DECTA will forward push notifications every 20 seconds for 24 hours.

Event types for push notifications

3D OTP push description

E3D_OTP event delivers one-time passcode required for 3DS online purchase confirmation.

Example request:

    "type" : "E3D_OTP",
    "typeDesc" : "3D One time Passcode",
    "time" : "2020-09-02T13:41:06",
    "merchant" : {
        "id" : "FQVN6GDWYT",
        "name" : "Decta merchant",
        "country" : "LV"
    "amount" : {
        "ccy" : "USD",
        "value" : "150.33" 
    "accountNumber" : "0000006700",  
    "transactionId" : "12345678",  
    "otp" : "484848"

Response must be sent only http status code with empty body!

Card Authorisation push description

CARD_AUTHORISATIONS event delivers card authorisation details.

Example request:

  "type": "205",
  "typeDesc": "Purchase",
  "time": "2020-09-02T13:41:06",
  "requestDate": "2020-09-02T13:41:06",
  "ppan": "533299ABCDEF9960",
  "approvalCode": "772851",
  "pointCode": "M10101M00000",
  "funcCode": "100",
  "procCode": "00",
  "tranResp": "000",
  "stan": "035452",
  "merchant": {
    "terminalId": "FQVN6GDWYT0NOB6",
    "id": "FQVN6GDWYT0NOB6",
    "name": "Decta merchant",
    "categoryCode": "5734",
    "country": "EE",
    "city": "Tallinn"
  "amount": {
    "ccy": "EUR",
    "value": "1.28"
  "accountCcyAmount": {
    "ccy": "EUR",
    "value": "1.28"
  "balanceBefore": {
    "ccy": "EUR",
    "value": "3.00"
  "balanceAfter": {
    "ccy": "EUR",
    "value": "1.62"
  "holdNumber": "793204999"

Response must be sent only http status code with empty body!

All authorisations should be sent from the Processing System: e.g. successful, unsuccessful.

Token OTP push description

TOKEN_OTP event delivers one-time activation passcode required for the card enrollment confirmation into the wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay).

    "type": "Token_otp",
    "typeDesc":"Token OTP",
    "wallet":"Google Pay"

Response must be sent only http status code with empty body!

Token Provisioning push description

TOKEN_PROVISIONING event delivers the tokenized card status change.

    "type": "Token_lifecycle",
    "typeDesc":"Token lifecycle event",
    "wallet":"Apple Pay"

Response must be sent only http status code with empty body!

Push fields description

FieldData typeDescription
type*stringNotification type
typeDesc*stringNotification type description
time*stringDate and time, local transaction in 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS' format
requestDatestringDate and time, local processing in 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS' format
ppan*stringPseudo card number
accountNumberstringDAPI card account
approvalCodestringCode, which is assigned by the authorizing institution and indicates approval
pointCodestringPOS data code contains a series of codes intended to identify terminal capability, terminal environment and presentation security data
funcCodestringFunctional code indicates the specific purpose of the message within its message class
procCodestringProcessing Code is a series of digits used to describe the effect of a transaction on the customer account and the accounts affected
tranRespstringAuthorisation response code defines the action taken or to be taken, as well as the reason for taking this action
stanstringContains a number assigned by the transaction originator to uniquely identify a transaction
merchant.terminalIdstringCard acceptor terminal identification
merchant.idstringCard acceptor identification
merchant.namestringCard acceptor name
merchant.categoryCodestringMerchant type. MCC code
merchant.countrystringMerchant country
merchant.citystringMerchant city
amount.ccystringCurrency in ISO 4217 format
amount.valuestringAmount value seperated by comma
accountCcyAmount.ccystringAccount currency in ISO 4217 format
accountCcyAmount.valuestringAmount value in account currency seperated by comma
balanceBefore.ccystringAccount currency in ISO 4217 format
balanceBefore.valuestringAccount balance value seperated by comma before operation
balanceAfter.ccystringAccount currency in ISO 4217 format
balanceAfter.valuestringAccount balance value seperated by comma after operation
holdNumberstringHold identificator unique on DAPI side
transactionIdstringACS transaction identification number
otpstringOne-time passcode for 3D_OTP
walletstringMobile payment service wallet provider name as Apple pay, Google pay
tokenStatusstringS - Suspend
D - Deactivate
C - Resume
tokenOtpstringOne-time passcode for TOKEN_OTP
* - mandatory

SMS notifications

SMS notifications are messages that sent directly to a cardholders mobile device. The target field is cardholder mobile phone number which can be passed through POST/v1/api/cards/order endpoint or changed using PUT/v1/api/clients/{clientId}/phone endpoint.

Remind card details SMS description

Reminds cardholder the middle part of PAN and CVC2/CVV2 of a virtual card to the cardholder's registered mobile phone number.

SMS text example:

Your card number: ******123456**** and CVC2: 123

3D OTP SMS description

Provides cardholder one-time password required for 3DS online purchase confirmation.

SMS text example:

Your code for purchase: 1234 (EUR 123.45 to DECTA*Riga)

Card Authorisation SMS description

Provides cardholder with card transaction autorization details and balance.

SMS text example:

Date: 13.04.23 14:07 Card: 1234 Amount: -12.34 EUR Status: Ok Balance: 1234.56 EUR Details: DECTA.COM/O/1234567890>Riga LV

Token OTP SMS description

Provides cardholder one-time activation code required for the card enrollment confirmation into the wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay).

SMS text example:

Your One-Time activation code is 123456. Use it in Apple Pay Wallet app to add your DECTA card ending with 1234. This code will expire in 30 minutes

Token Provisioning SMS description

Provides cardholder with tokenized card status change.

SMS text example:

Your card ending 1234 is now enabled with Apple Pay

Remind PIN SMS description

Reminds cardholder the actual card’s PIN code.

SMS text example:

Your PIN code: 1234. Please memorize your code and delete this message

Jump to

  • Set-up of the notifications
  • 3D OTP push description
  • Card Authorisation push description
  • Token OTP push description
  • Token Provisioning push description
  • Push fields description
  • Remind card details SMS description
  • 3D OTP SMS description
  • Card Authorisation SMS description
  • Token OTP SMS description
  • Token Provisioning SMS description
  • Remind PIN SMS description